Here is a new picture to look at. This is mom at a restaurant that she really liked called Chocolate by the Bald Guy. They have good food and great Chocolatey desserts and the whole place smells like chocolate.
My life is very busy and very much the same. I am still teaching at MS 326 and struggling with/ liking it. We were just reviewed by the state a couple of weeks ago because we are on the state list and the city list of schools that are in danger of being closed down. It was pretty intense.
This is one of the classrooms I work in. Many people use it as a closet.
I am still taking classes for my Masters degree at night. It is exhausting, but I like my professors a lot this semester. I am taking a linguistics class that I find fascinating. Both classes are a lot of work as I guess they should be at the graduate level, but it is exhausting nonetheless.
I was just called as the assistant stake camp director, which if you read my blog entry about girls camp last year, you will know that girls camp for the Manhattan girls is an adventure all its own. I am excited but can’t get really busy with it until this school year is over.
I still work as the assistant shift coordinator and the Spanish trainer at the temple and I absolutely love my Saturday mornings there. I always said that I wanted to live in a place where the church was still growing and needed more willing hands. I always thought I would find that place in some foreign third world country, but New York has church service opportunities by the truckload and we are constantly recruiting. I have a ward calling, a stake calling and a temple calling and they are always needing more. I love that I can be of service.
My attempts to maintain a semi-normal social life are often thwarted but in the past few months, we threw a party in our tiny New York apartment, to which 100 people came…
On Chinese New Year’s Eve, which was also conveniently Ash Wednesday, a couple of my friends and I went down to Chinatown and had some real Chinese food. Then I took the next day off of school for….cultural reasons. Then another friend of mine had a Chinese New Year Party. It was a lot of fun. Hooray for China!!!
This is the wall of my friends house. They painted it with chalkboard paint and they change the scene depending on what is going on in their lives. This is their Chinese new year scene.
We celebrated Pi Day (3.14 or March 14) over at a friend’s house with pizza pie and real pie (of which I could not partake because lent doesn’t end until Easter).
I still live in Harlem, which means I occasionally get heckled, I occasionally see people get their luggage stolen as they get off the airport bus and attempt to enter the subway and I occasionally hear amazing gospel choirs as I walk down the street. All in all it is a pretty good trade off.
Jess, you have the craziest life of anyone I know. Way to go on the Masters, I had forgotten about that. Good luck.
Jessica freaking Allred! This is April Bahen (now Farmer.) Do you remember me? The other most annoying girl at girl's camp other than you...from Taft. I found your blog from Luisa's blog. I just read about twenty of your blogs because I'm fascinated by your life and your still very lively personality. Gosh it sounds like you've been up to ALOT! NYC, Berlin, D.C. My hubby and I were living in D.C. a couple years back and we were living in Hawaii before that and Russia before that (where we traveled all over Eastern Europe and the Baltic States)...hmmm...sounds like we have some common travel destinations. But your liberal views are hilarious. Living where I have has just made me more conservative and uptight (Go Romney!). How'd that happen? Your life sounds just crazy cool and fulfilling. My life has certainly calmed and so I guess I will be checking your blog and living vicariously through you. my blog is
Yay! Jessica! Thank you! I guess I like looking at my picture better than looking at your sad face. I love hearing about your life. I think your afternoon program sounds inspired, those kids are lucky to have you as a teacher. I love the pictures; the chalk mural is awesome! Maybe we will start blogging more now.
1. I am glad to see that you are back to being "more responsible."
2. Two posts today. You will now have to catch up again.
3. I love your opinions. Your political views have become so fashionable. Not correct, of course, but fashionable.
4. Speaking of politics, I am glad to hear about the school inspectors. We want no child left behind.
5. Liberals aren't all stupid. Many are just deluded into thinking the government needs to babysit us all.
6. Go MS 326 and Pi.
7. I am also impressed by your Masters Program. Does that mean that you are becoming learned?
8. I have it on good authority that it is NOT Chinese New Year, it is Lunar New Year.
9. I am most impressed by the positive influence you are at school, at church, and at the temple.
10. Hmmm, Lent is not a teaching of the true church. EAT PIE!
Love the new post Jess. You are a great writer, and I think that is what makes your blog so fun to read. Sounds like you are keeping busy and doing a lot of good in the world. That seems to keep you the happiest. I am not sure I would have wanted to be at your party. Those quarters are way to close for me. :)
When does school in NY end? I am sure you are looking forward to the summer.
Your paragraph on the after school program gave me actual chills. I have always been concerned with classes/schools where there are a lot of behavioral problems. Because of all the discipline, I fear that the kids eager to learn are the ones slipping through the cracks. I am so happy that you have found a way to correct that problem. Good JOB!!!
Everything else in your life sounds normal- normal for you, crazy to me.
Hi Jessica, I, too, love your wit and active life. Hurrah for the after school program and your Master's degree. Good luck with both. Your party did look a little cramped - how cool to have 100 people to invite! And I LOVED the chalkboard wall. What a great way to let inspire creativity and provide a way to vent.
Jessica has a blog! That's outstanding news! I hope you update it often, because I would love to read it. I've mentioned you several times in my blog, at least once in a fairly amusing way. You should check it out.
i love, love, love to hear about new york life. i'm glad you're enjoying it and sorry work and school seem endless. can't wait to see you sometime.
Good for people to know.
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