My day off was filled with meetings, for girls camp and for school but I did get to stay up until 4am over at a friends house. I have not been able to stay up that late in FOREVER. By about 11:00 I was totally out of it.
Saturday night, some friends and I stayed up all night watching Pride and Prejudice. The only reason this is noteworthy is because the all-night Pride and Prejudice party was suggested and carried out by a guy and he is Straight. On top of that there was no hope of him or any of the other guys attending that night to hook up with any of the girls in the room. Throughout the night, straight guys always outnumbered girls in the room and we watched all 5 hours. Apparently these guys wanted some insight into the female heart. Just add this night to the long list of examples of how NYC guys are their own breed. At midnight I made myself sick on Easter candy as a way to commemorate another Lent over.
On Easter we had a group of friends over for an Easter ham. We have a very sensitive fire alarm and when there was smoke coming out of the oven it went off. The problem is that we have very high ceilings so there is little we can do to get it to stop. Two of our friends decided to help and get the smoke away from the alarm. Quick thinking.
On Friday, my field trip was canceled due to rain. The kids were LIVID with me for not being able to control the weather. I find their logic refreshing and mysterious. So in their anger they planned their own little sixth grader mutiny. It was a fabulous day!
I am taking my after-school group to Chinatown on Monday and I am very excited. Hopefully all will go well.
First, I am so happy that you got my picture off quickly. So, I am estatic that you wrote so soon for two reasons. Your life sounds fun and full, if not adventurous. I am so happy that you have people over, and enjoy a lot of people. I hope that you have fun in China town. I am so happy that you got to get sick on candy. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Jessica. I sure do enjoy your blogs. Like from a different culture, which I guess it is. I find it interesting that you refer to guys as "straight". That leads me to believe that there are a number of non-straight guys - perhaps not in church. Also interesting that your students blame you for the weather. They must liken you to a "God" like figure. I love all the good that you are doing to change, improve your corner of the world. Thanks.
Pride and Prejudice- I wish I could have been there. I have only recently been converted to Jane Austen and haven't seen the long movie. In your opinion- is the 5 hour one better than the 2 hour????? Please let me know.
I am laughing at how slowly comments are being made on this post. Only your most loyal will check your blog within a month of your last post.
I'm so glad people have blogs. It helps me pretend I still have friends. Easter sounds like it was fantastic and gluttonous. I hope you got to eat chocolate bunnies.
I have had another epiphany! The only way for a guy to get insight into a female heart is to marry one. Since none of the attendees can figure out how to "hook up," this is my epiphanious idea.
Each guy throws his apartment key into a hat. The girl marries the guy whose key she chooses.
What do you think? What does Cristi think? It's fair, not chauvinistic, not mushy, ends all the hand-wringing, and allows you to get on with life - so there you go!
Jessica! That's so cool that you are doing the transiberian railroad trip. It's my husband's dream to do it someday. We traveled all over Russia by train (over night ones are awesome.) We would pay like five bucks and travel from Moscow to St. Petersburg over night on tiny cot communal beds. Quite the adventure. Let's just say that Russia isn't quite tourist friendly...but that's why I loved it. When are you planning on going?
It has now been over a month and you have been to Las Vegas and Disneyland and Dad has posted at least two times. Time for another post, PLEASE.
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