Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The First Two Weeks

Teachers are told not to smile until Christmas so that the students don't rip you to shreds by June. Turns out, I can't make it even through an entire day. To counter my smiles I am perfecting a disapproving teacher glare that can strike fear into the heart of even the most thuggish of thugs.

I am much more prepared this year, than last so...things are going a lot more smoothly.

The first day of school, a sixth grade teacher came up and said, "Ms. Allred there is a girl in my class from the Ivory Coast who speaks not a word of English and she looks like she is going to burst into tears at any moment." She had recently been sent to live with her father whom she had never met and was separated from her Mother for the first time. Then she comes to our crazy school and is in a classroom where she can't understand a word and all the students are staring ar her and she has a bunch of teachers who never smile and glare angrily. I went into grab her immediately and broke out my rusty French. She started crying and hugged me, then she followed me around for a week. She never wanted to leave my side. She is doing better now and even trying out some English.

Some interesting things...
1- On September 11th I wrote on the board, "What happened 7 years ago today in New York City?" Nobody knew the answer. These kids were 3 or 4, seven years ago so that event seems like ancient history to them. After a few hints, (I drew the twin towers on the board and an airplane) one boy raised his hand and said, "George W. Bush ordered that someone blow up the twin towers." This is what happens when parents let Micheal Moore educate their children. We had a discussion about theory and fact.

2- Today I was discussing the issue of race with another class and one of the boys raised his hand and said, "Ms. Allred, you white like milk."

3- Another boy in another class came up really close to my face and after staring into my eyes curiously asked, "Did you buy those at a Halloween store?" He wants a pair of eyes "just like" mine to freak out his friends and family.


Scott B. said...
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laura said...

That is SHOCKING that they don't know about Sept. 11th while living miles away from it.(How many miles by the way?) Crazy! I'm glad to hear this year is going better for you. I would love to come to NYC and walk a day in your shoes.

Roger said...

Great stories. Keep educating! They obviously need a lot of it.

Roger said...

YAY! Thank you. I am so happy that you are having a better time this year. Didn't those kids live in the DR 7 years ago? even if they were old enough? I love to hear about your life.

Danalin said...

You're my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Brothe Hendricks is going to be the MTC President in DR starting in January. Mom