Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Vegas Adventure

The great thing about working in public school in New York City is all the vacation time I get. My spring break this year was connected to the Greek Orthodox Easter instead of the Roman Catholic Easter so it was the last week in April. I flew to Las Vegas to see my friend Adam and Ashley Hawkins and meet her fiance. We decided that I would meet him in April instead of attending their wedding in June because weddings are so crazy that I would only be able to see her for like 23 seconds while I passed through her line and the rest of the time she would be so busy with her family and lost in the haze that creates Bridezillas that it would be pointless.

I flew in Sunday night after Stake Conference. It is noteworthy that I was called as the 2nd counselor in the Stake Young Women's presidency. I was very overwhelmed by it at first, especially given the 3 other callings I had but I have been learning to manage it and I really do love the girls. It is interesting though that through my job and my callings I spend all my time with teenagers. They can be a challenge and I didn't even have the benefit of knowing them when they were cute and young.

I went to school with Ashley on Monday to see what she calls her "ghetto school." I think I gasped out loud at least 10 times. One was when I saw the campus, gorgeous no rats, nice, new huge, open courtyards, a football field. You know, the stuff my kids only see in movies. Anyhoo, the kids filed in, I gasped again when I saw real live white kids. Another gasp when one of the kids said (direct quote) "get your "A" up here!" You see, he actually said "A" and not the full word! WHAT!??! Since when do kids do that? Another gasp when Ashley stood up and said "Okay" and all the kids went silent!!! Gasp #5 was when she said get out your pencils and not only did they HAVE pencils they actually got them out!!! #6 She gave them some ridiculous assignment and they DID IT with not much prompting. #7 We went a whole class period with not ONE fight!!! Nobody even hit each other!! #8 when the TV on the wall came on for the morning student broadcast(we have 1 TV for the whole school, she also has her own computer, we have 4 computers for the whole school and those belong to the Deans and APs) #9 the kids all went up and did presentations with no inappropriate language, gestures or drawings on the board#10 When during the broadcast a senior girl was asked to prom by her GIRLFRIEND! Apparently being a lesbian is all the rage at her school.

Tuesday I drove to Disneyland to meet up with the family. It had been 10 years since I had been there. I love that place, but it seemed so small as an adult. The castle looked like a miniature.

This is me with my niece Ava. This was only the second time we had ever met which might explain the baffled look on her face.
We all rode Peter Pan together. It is still one of my favorites. This is my mom, my sister and her daughter Kea.
The last ride of the evening, as a pack of caged wild animals. We had been going all day but as you can see from Kea's face we were still having fun!
Dad found his favorite eatery the next day at the Baker's Field Bakery. It is hard to be a champion for Bakersfield but Dad sure gives it his all.
I drove back to my G-ma's house in St. George that afternoon and arrived at about 1 am on my birthday. For my birthday, Grandma took Bryce and his friend and I to see Zion National Park. It was beautiful. We hiked around and had a lot of fun.
It was a perfect birthday. Then Grandma planned a birthday BBQ with Aunt Ada. It was way yummy. Then we all went back to G-ma's house and watched "Enchanted."

The next day we went and saw the St. George temple, the new Joseph Smith film (I had never seen it) and Brigham Youngs house before I headed back to Vegas. The sister missionaries had G-ma in tears and me practicing my control over my eye roll reflex.

I went and met Ashley's fiance (GREAT GUY) and we went and hung out with my friend Adam. Adam took me out to see Le Reve on Saturday night as a birthday celebration. It was an amazing experience. I left feeling drained, emotionally, mentally and physically. I am always in awe of what people can dream up in their mind and how they can make it happen so that I can share in that creative genius. A shout out to the creativity that abounds in the human race!!


Sue said...

Great blog. The reading is so fast that it made me feel like I was part of your whirlwind week. I am so happy that you were able to do the whole thing, what a perfect week (except for the being so exhausted). We are excited to see you again this summer.

Teresa said...

Cool, another blog! Sounds like you had a Great weekend, and were able to fit in all that you wanted too. Or at least all the people that you wanted to. Your summer is coming up here pretty quick. I am excited to see what you do with it. :)

Roger said...

Thanks for the invite to the grand opening of two new blogs. They are rather rare events, I have found. My comments:
1. My blogs are not lame, both of them had pictures of me.
2. Jon Stewart funny? What?
3. Maybe Ashley's students listen to her because she has a gun (and hot sauce for spicy language).
4. Did attending Ashley's ghetto school give you any ideas?
5. Maybe you have all those church callings because you are a teacher. My understanding is that they get a lot of vacation.
6. Bakersfield needs no champion. It is "Life as it should be."
7. You should pay more attention to the Sister missionaries. I have heard that they are especially spiritual.
8. It was so great to see you.
9. Give the Las Vegans my best.
10. I appreciate the shout out to all of us creative geniuses.

Ashley said...

I loved your blog since a large part of it was devoted to me. My kids were so good because they are afraid of me. Or maybe it is because they are not as ghetto as yours.

Unknown said...

You have such a great family. I loved seeing pics of you guys together. Your dad is so funny with his Bakersfield pride. Well, it's better than Taft. So cool that you got to see Ashley Hawkins. That's so crazy about her lesbian student. It's so sad that her ghetto school is so much better than yours. I'm glad there's people like you willing to do the work you are doing. Fun Spring Break.

Lisah said...

Jessica, I hope you don't think I am a total freak but I wanted to say hi and let you know I LOVE hearing about all of your "goings on". It sounds like you have quite the exciting life! I wish you had come to Ashleys wedding so I could have seen you - that would have be fun! I hope to hear from you sometime! Lisa (McClintock) Cutler

Danalin said...

You're my favorite. I wish that you posted more so that I could be entertained more often. I also am wishing that I still lived in Vegas so that I could have seen you on your trip there. Congrats on your new calling - perfect woman for the job! I bet the girls love you. Love to read the difference between your school and the kind of schools that I went to growing up. You're quite a woman, Jessica. You're going to get some mad props in heaven for all you do here!

Stephanie said...

ive never seen ashley's classroom - thanks! also, thank you for giving her a reality check (i hope she read this) since i always pictured way worse from the manner in which she described her school..etc.

Stephanie said...

oh wow- saw that ashley commented after i posted my comment... guess that answers that question... :)